Friday, December 31, 2004

Thoughts on my last day

Well, this is it. I have packed up everything at my desk, cleaned out my email box, and am now basically sitting on my ass until I meet with HR and finalize my paperwork.

Overall, I feel very good. I made the right decision, I handled myself properly, and I am leaving here with as much respect as I could hope for under the circumstances. Still, I'm sad to leave. I really like a lot of people here, and there are a few notable ones I am going to miss. I thought I would be emotional today, but really, I'm just content. I made my decision, it's playing itself out, and I am at peace with that.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Well that sucked.

So, last night I made this really nice dinner. Afterwards, Sweetie says he wants to go out for dessert. We went to a local restaurant as, as soon as the waitress took our drink order he said to me, "Wow, that was awkward. Right before I met you, I was sort of hooking up with her best friend. She knows I met you and I'm happy and all, and she still IMs me sometimes to ask if I'm single yet..."

I tensed up and got really uncomfortable. It was written all over my face, and I just wanted to get out of there. He got irritated that I was pissy about it, and we left soon after.

I am just uncomfortable hearing that he was hooking up with another girl, even if it was right before we met, and that she still talks to him occasionally, which I think is inappropriate and bothers me. I know he was with other girls, but I am sorry.... I just don't want to hear it, and have the waitress looking at me, evaluating me, and probably telling her friend about it or whatever, especially if in the beginning of my relationship with Sweetie he was still talking to/seeing this chick. That is not something I want to know....ever, because now it's something in my mind that didn't need to be there. Stuff like that really gets to me, especially when I am upset about other aspects of our relationship.

He hasn't responded to my text message yet today. I think he's still pissed. Whatever. I'm sure he would have been uncomfortable if we walked in and I saw some dude I hooked up with and was like, "Yo, I hooked up with that guy." He'd spent the whole night with images of me and that random dude naked in his mind. I have every right to be uncomfortable with that, and I am.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Vin-di-ca-tion time, come on!

OH MY GOD. I just had a nice long chat with my director. He is seriously concerned about my boss's attitude/behavior, and he told me, "I am dealing with this now. It's going to be time consuming, but there will be some changes. It's too late for you now, but I just want you to know I believed you, and I am doing something about this." He told me he has nothing but respect for me for the way I handled everything and that he wants me to get the most expensive thing on the menu at lunch today because he feels so bad about what happened.

I think there is finally justice in the world.

Monday, December 20, 2004

It's official

I gave the hosebeast my two weeks' notice this morning. I now await either 12/31 or the inevitable early send-off. We'll see!

Friday, December 17, 2004

Mini work vent

Quick two parter, because the Hosebeast is hot on my tail today.

I hate:

  1. When people walk by your cube and stare in at what you are doing. What do you care what I am doing? Go back to your hole.
  2. When my boss sends me status requests for things I have already confirmed with the applicable parties and adds, "this shouldn't be a problem," to it. No shit, Sherlock. It's not a problem because I am already fucking working on it.

Serenity now. Serenity now. Repeat it with me.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Attack of the stomach virus

Well, that wasn't fun. I've spent the last 48 hours fighting some kind of demon in my belly. I think I'm on the mend now, but suffice to say that it wasn't pretty. I think I dropped a few pounds, though. Good times, good times.

Okay, first and foremost. A COLOSSAL congratulations to my favorite Classy babe for her acceptance at Cornell. She is most deserving, and I am sure she is going to take that campus by storm. Plus, I'm REALLY happy that she's going to be such a short distance from me in the Fall. Way to go, honey. You earned it!

Not much is new in my life due to the nasty bug I've been fighting. I learned just how much I hate television, how the same news stories get repeated umpteen times during the night, how good Ore-Ida Easy Fries are (don't ask. we eat weird things when we're sick), and realized even more how much I hate the evil being that is my boss. I can't wait to cash out on Monday and start on my path to happiness and glee.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Things that annoy me about the ungainly coworker

She's just on my last nerve with her Hoffa hack today, so I'm making an official list.

Things That Annoy Moi about Mz. Ungainly Succubus (look it up)

  1. She pretty much whispers into the phone. God forbid anyone hear her insanely personal calls to her mom and the husband she berates daily.
  2. She says "thing" as "thingk." There is no K, dipshit.
  3. She says "okay" as "o-kye."
  4. She ends with "o-kye, bah-bye." in this weird trying-to-be-soft-but-she-still-sounds-like-a-dude voice
  5. She literally lumbers around like it's her first day in this new sloth-like body. Honey, you've been toting that boot around for 30-some years now. Get used to it.
  6. She shuffles her feet as she lumbers.
  7. The cadence of her typing is annoying.

I may think (yes, that's think, as opposed to thingk) of more. Stay tuned.


This is what I am hearing today from my ungainly, lumbering slug of a co-worker. She is over there hacking up what I have decided is either a third lung, remnants of the many doughnuts she downs in a week, or Jimmy Hoffa. Who knows, but it sounds bad, and if it gets me sick for Christmas I'm going ghettobitch on her ass and taking a crowbar to her mamamobile.

She's truly becoming a pompous asshole, too....even more than she was. Now she's signing emails to me with her new and improved title. Barf. I am going to love telling her I got a higher position making more $$ than her. She and her wet paper bag husband and weird spawn can rot.

Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 10, 2004

The official plan

I am going to give notice on 12/20, after my stock option transaction is complete. 12/30 will be my last day (12/31 is a company holiday). I'll start my new job on 1/10.

Okay, sounds lovely, right? HA. There's more. Boss is out 12/28-12/31. My one co-worker is out the whole week of 12/27-12/30. The other is out 12/27-12/29. If my last day is 12/30, I think I am sufficiently screwing them work-wise if I really slack off that last week when I am basically here alone.

I don't think it will come to that. I think she will let me go 12/23, right before Christmas, in a feeble attempt to ruin my holiday. I will laugh, tell her to suck a dick, dance a jig, and saunter my booty right on out the door to enjoy the holidays with my cats, loved ones, and stock money.

BTW, want to hear Boss's latest asstastic comment? Now that I am on my way out, these are kind of funny, because I see how she is trying to get my goat. Not that I have a goat, mind you, but you know what I mean.

We were looking at the holiday party pics, and one of a co-worker and his wife popped up. This was her comment: "She's a technical writer over at XYZ. She applied for the editor position, and I think he's irritated at me that I didn't bring her in. The truth is, she was wayyyy overqualified [insert scrunched up face here] and I just couldn't pay her what she was worth."

Interesting, considering she told me I was underqualified. I can't wait to see her face when I tell her I got a much better position as an editor and that I interviewed with my tongue ring and they couldn't care less. There are no words for the amount of unadulterated hatred that flows through my soul for this waste of cellular material. I need to be free!

And the countdown begins

It's all I can do not to up and quit this hellhole, especially after incidents with my co-worker waving her superiority flag in my face and wondering if I am hung over and my dickslap boss treating me like microwaved dogshit. I'm REALLY using every ounce of strength I can muster to stick this out 10 more days until I can cash out my stocks. We'll see if that comes to pass or not. I don't care much at this point. I just want to get my offer letter signed and returned so I can move on with my life....and start shopping for my new job. So far I know I will need the following things for my commute:

  1. Good pair of sneaks - I'll have to walk several blocks to/from the train
  2. Rain shoes
  3. Good, small umbrella
  4. Nice tote bag
  5. Long coat

Not bad that I get to shop a little for the new gig. That's kind of exciting. Sweetie told me last night he thinks I should take a trip while I am off. Honestly, I am considering it. Maybe a short last-minute cheap cruise. I've never vacationed alone, but I could use the mental clarity of no distractions and clear blue waters and a good book by the pool. I'm going to look into it today.

In other news, all fingers are crossed for my favorite Classy babe. Here's hoping that waitlist status turns to acceptance very soon. She is among the most dedicated and smartest women I know, and I think Tuck would be lucky to have her.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

I got it.

The job, that is. I truly cannot believe I actually got it. This is like a real career job, in the field I have my degree in and everything. The pluses are that (duh!), the fact that I am finally going to be free of my beast boss, and the fact that I THINK I might be getting an office rather than a cubicle. Lord, that sounds sweet.

The big downside is that I now have to commute into the city, which is a gigantic breach of my comfort zone. I have to ride the scary train and walk a few blocks to work, etc. Maybe it will help get me into shape though. Another thing is that the salary is only a 12% increase from what I make now. Oh well. I really need to get out, and I do think this position has the potential to get me promoted and make more money if I do a good job, etc.

Sweetie took me out for a martini last night to celebrate. I'm sure we will celebrate more this weekend. As for when I am leaving here/starting there, I'm still working on that. They gave me the option to start after the new year, and I think I am going to, so I have some time off in between. It will be rough financially for a few weeks, but really....I need the mental break, and it will do me good to catch up on some life things I've been putting off.

So, raise your glasses and toast to my new job!

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

17 days till Christmas

I'm getting prepared. Still a few gifts to buy, but I'm on schedule. My apartment actually looks somewhat decent after having people over on Saturday, too. Now, if I could only keep up with my laundry, I'd be all set.

This past weekend was fun. Sweetie and I went out to friends' Friday, and I proceeded to drink copious amounts of alcohol and get wild and crazy. It was fun, though. I am a bit troubled by the fact that Sweetie seems to only want to get intimate with me in situations like that. In fact, when I left this morning, I am pretty sure he had an idea why I was upset/irritated. I mean, what red-blooded male turns down sex with his girlfriend on a regular basis? Especially when his anatomy is telling me otherwise? That is what I am trying to figure out.

Anyway, in other news, I still have not heard about the job, and I got my GRE scores yesterday. They were not good enough. No other way to put it. School next year isn't happening, because there is absolutely no time to retake them and have the scores in by the 2/15 app deadline....I don't think. The writhing academic in me really wants to check Georgia State's website and see if it's possible, but I'm trying to refrain. I really don't have the money to move down south right now anyway. I want to so badly, but I just don't see it happening.

I'm trying to keep my spirits up, because this is my favorite time of year. It's not feeling like it though. I'm feeling tired and beaten down again. I need some kind of pick-me-up. Any ideas?