Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Weirdest. Dream. Ever.

Forgive the stream of consciousness, pseudo-LSD-trippin' sound. Look... I'll even change the color so you know this isn't the normal me.

There. That's better.

So anyway, we are away at our vacation spot, in our friends' house, and there's been a lot of rain. It's flooded nearly up to the second-story window. Backyareds are fenced like my old one. We're not allowed to go outside to feel the water (which is muddy anyway, so why would we want to feel it?) because there are crocodiles. I look out and watch a large croc eat a small one. I look out a short time later and see two massive dogs - a great dane and a mutt who looks like Sandy from Annie - in the next yard over, looking at me. I ponder their huge size, and then it fades.

Cut to later. I am in a small building, and Sweetie and I are sending notes back and forth through those interoffice envelopes. I wonder how these notes are getting there, since we're so far, and then a man opens a window and says they are closing soon. Turns out he was delivering them in some kind of Jetsonesque postal service way. He charges me $10 and I leave.

Sweetie says he's on his way from a college near my home (have no idea why) so I leave to head back to the vacation house. A group of people who also seem to be staying there have arrived. They are obnoxious. One looks conspicuously like my XH. Then, my XH walks in, though I have no idea why he's there. I turn to tell him someone looks just like him, but I have a pencil in my hand, and he assumes I mean him harm. I tell him no, we joke, and we are cordial the rest of the night, with him asking me about my car and telling me about folks we used to know. .

Sweetie comes in and says he and the guys are going to the hot tub down the road. Some time passes and those of us left at the house decide to head there as well. Truth is, I'm worried Sweetie is there socializing with some chick. I'm drunk, but I drive anyway. On the way, I nearly miss several animals, and at one point, my passenger door swings open. I leave it that way. Then I see another animal in the road. I think it's a cat. I try to move and can't. I realize, as I hit it a little, that it's a raccoon. In my mirror, I see it limp away, and I feel a profound sadness but a deep relief that it was a raccoon and not a cat. I feel like a horrible person for valuing a cat over a raccoon, and as I continue driving, I can't reconcile it in my drunken state.

When we get to the hot tub area, lots of people are there. We go on the top deck, I look down into the hot tub, and Sweetie is there with some guys he knows, and no hoochies as I'd feared. He is surprised to see me, but he is happy and says, "hey baby."

The dream ends here.


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