Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I've made a decision

Shocked, aren't you? Coming from indecisive little me, this is a biggie. And yes, as you read on, you'll see it's similar to a previous decision I made. No, I haven't gone insane. This is a decision I made, then was unable to carry out, and am now revamping, with some added twists and insights to round it out a bit more.

Ive been applying to some jobs that I am pretty overqualified for....admin stuff and a really good job this morning to be some VP's personal assistant. Who cares! It pays WELL, and it's in my town. I wrote a good cover letter, so I really hope they call me.

I'm thinking if I can get a job like this one, I will start freelancing again, since the day job won't be so mentally taxing. That way I can build up my writing portfolio this year and maybe next year be in the position to apply for the PhD program like I wanted to this year.

I think I have decided that's my plan. No ifs, ands, buts, or hesitations. I can't stay in this area much longer. I run into people from my past, and it is draining to worry about it all the time and feel like I am on guard. I haven't run into Ex, but I know it's got to happen soon. He is a dick, and I have no desire to ever see his face again. I hate worrying about that. I can't move home for obvious reasons, so that leaves somewhere else. Georgia sounds like a good place to me! Warm, close to the beach, and definitely a slower pace. I think I would do really well someplace totally new. I probably should have moved right after the divorce, but I don't think I could have, mentally. I am much better now :)

It kind of sucks because Classy starts at Cornell this fall, and she'll only be a weekend trip away, so if I move to Georgia, she'll be really far away again, but I think it's the right decision. I have to make a choice sometime, or I am going to sit and rot forever and never do anything with my life.

How's that for some insightful psychoanalytic crap? I blame it on the fact that I was high on caffeine when I thought it up. Still, I'm sticking with it.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Still on the lookout

...for a new job, that is. Finding a job is very difficult, especially where I live, so I haven't been lucky thus far. I am temping in the meantime, to pay my bills and keep my cats from starving. It's okay...not great by any means, but it's something.

Not much else is going on. I haven't been writing much here, because there isn't much to update about. I am at a big standstill in just about every area. Job - well, you know....finances - kind of goes with job, future - you get the point.

One thing I am kind of regretting is not applying to school for the fall. I know I couldn't swing it financially this year, but it still bothers me. It's something I know I could do well at, but am held back by the weight of paying off the debt left to me by Ex-Jackass. I don't know if that will ever go away, which is tough to live with. I'm sure someday I'll pay it off, but until then, it hangs over my head and makes future decisions even tougher.

Perhaps next year, though.