Monday, November 07, 2005


Secrets suck. Right now, I am keeping a secret from Sweetie.....a pretty big one. While we were on vacation last month, a relative of his tried to hook up with me in a pretty blatant way....namely coming right out and rubbing my inner thigh in a hot tub, trying to get me to touch him, etc. I'll spare you the rest of the details, but suffice to say I didn't reciprocate. Granted, we were all drinking, but that's no excuse.

At the time I was totally shocked and didn't know how to handle it. I was going to take the guy aside and ask him whether it had indeed been a total drunken mistake (which, given the family ties, I was willing to forgive and forget) or whether he hoped to spark some kind of illicit encounter (which would have resulted in a quick, "Don't even think about it." and a conversation with Sweetie)

Now, a month later, this secret is eating away at me. I never got the chance to talk to the guy, but I have only seen him twice. Both times he gave me a weird look that could have been, "I'm so embarrassed, and I'm sorry" or "I want to hump your leg." So, it leads me to this.

I want to tell Sweetie. I think I owe it to him. I just worry that he will misconstrue the situation, confront the guy, cause all kinds of drama, etc etc etc. It could all go SO SO badly, but honesty is the best policy, right?

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

home again

I moved back to the apartment. It's good and fucked up at the same time.