Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Share and share alike

The day has come....I finally shared my link with someone other than Classy, who's known about this for ages.

I admit, it's kind of weird. I know the person I shared this with is cool about it and all, but still, now it's like, a little less private. So..... To you whom I've entrusted my innermost thoughts: be kind and nonjudgmental. Sometimes I write this shit after a long day or a lot of liquor or a combination of both. Don't always take it as gospel, as I often need to vent and be insane and paranoid and girly, which I realize is an oxymoron. Sometimes I use this as an excuse not to write for real. For that, kick my ass, but otherwise take it in stride.

Guess that means I can't write about the super naughty stuff anymore, huh? lol.

Anyway, it's very late, and life is good, and I am tired, so I should sleep any just be happy that I am writing often again, and it's good, and I have cats and family that love me.


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