Thursday, December 09, 2004

I got it.

The job, that is. I truly cannot believe I actually got it. This is like a real career job, in the field I have my degree in and everything. The pluses are that (duh!), the fact that I am finally going to be free of my beast boss, and the fact that I THINK I might be getting an office rather than a cubicle. Lord, that sounds sweet.

The big downside is that I now have to commute into the city, which is a gigantic breach of my comfort zone. I have to ride the scary train and walk a few blocks to work, etc. Maybe it will help get me into shape though. Another thing is that the salary is only a 12% increase from what I make now. Oh well. I really need to get out, and I do think this position has the potential to get me promoted and make more money if I do a good job, etc.

Sweetie took me out for a martini last night to celebrate. I'm sure we will celebrate more this weekend. As for when I am leaving here/starting there, I'm still working on that. They gave me the option to start after the new year, and I think I am going to, so I have some time off in between. It will be rough financially for a few weeks, but really....I need the mental break, and it will do me good to catch up on some life things I've been putting off.

So, raise your glasses and toast to my new job!


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