Friday, December 10, 2004

And the countdown begins

It's all I can do not to up and quit this hellhole, especially after incidents with my co-worker waving her superiority flag in my face and wondering if I am hung over and my dickslap boss treating me like microwaved dogshit. I'm REALLY using every ounce of strength I can muster to stick this out 10 more days until I can cash out my stocks. We'll see if that comes to pass or not. I don't care much at this point. I just want to get my offer letter signed and returned so I can move on with my life....and start shopping for my new job. So far I know I will need the following things for my commute:

  1. Good pair of sneaks - I'll have to walk several blocks to/from the train
  2. Rain shoes
  3. Good, small umbrella
  4. Nice tote bag
  5. Long coat

Not bad that I get to shop a little for the new gig. That's kind of exciting. Sweetie told me last night he thinks I should take a trip while I am off. Honestly, I am considering it. Maybe a short last-minute cheap cruise. I've never vacationed alone, but I could use the mental clarity of no distractions and clear blue waters and a good book by the pool. I'm going to look into it today.

In other news, all fingers are crossed for my favorite Classy babe. Here's hoping that waitlist status turns to acceptance very soon. She is among the most dedicated and smartest women I know, and I think Tuck would be lucky to have her.


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