Tuesday, April 26, 2005

It's official

I have a new job. I signed my letter and will be mailing it tomorrow morning. Officially I start May 9th, but if we can get the paperwork/drug test stuff complete before then I may start sometime next week. That is, if all that crack I've been smoking doesn't show up.

My manager (a guy) seems so nice and NORMAL. I already cleared the week I need off in August for vacay, and the salary is about 7K more than I made at my last job. The only thing that's different is 2 weeks' vacation versus the 3 I had. Still, the increase in salary and flexible environment makes up for it. I think my hours will be 8-5, but that's flexible, and I may switch to 7:30-4:30.

YAY! I can finally relax and start preparing to go back to work. So, in honor of me ceasing to be a jobless wonder, who wants to celebrate with me? I'll have a glass of Caymus Conundrum, please. (Actually, I am indulging in a Michelob Ultra because I am cheap and it was in my fridge. I lack the $25 for the wine at the moment. It will have to be a delayed celebration).

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Weird things bugging me today

I can't find a decent tongue ring that fits. I got pierced with a 10, and all the cool ones seem to come in only a 14. I need to call the piercing shop and find out my barbell length, so I can at least order online. What a PITA.

There is a man on my roof, chopping trees outside my bedroom window. When I walked my trash to the dumpster, said man and his tree-trimming cohorts ogled me. I hate being ogled.

My interview was changed from 12 to 1. I am antsy as it is. Must I wait another full HOUR before getting ready?

I am off to decide between Easy Mac and Easy Fries for my early lunch. I wonder what it is with me and the word 'easy'?

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Being jobless sucks

I've intentionally not written much lately, because, well, I'm jobless, and that sucks. I think that, for my own mental clarity, I need to enumerate exactly why it sucks. So here goes:

  • No money.
  • Feeling like I'm sponging off the parents, even though they assure me (and I know) that this period of my life, when compared to my whole life, is pretty short.
  • Finding out that my old job, though complete with Assboss, had pretty damn good benefits. Can you believe companies offer one week vacation after a year? That's crazy.
  • Fearing someone will ask where I work or what I do because "hanging out with the cats" isn't an acceptable answer
  • Hating the fact that, at the end of the day, when someone I love asks what I did, there is always a subtext of, "didn't you do anything to try to get a job?"
  • Related to that, whenever I am doing something that doesn't involve job hunting, there is the subtext of "why aren't you job hunting right now?" Apparently, looking for a job must be a 24/7 venture, even though full time employment is not.
  • Realizing that "How's the job hunt going?" is the most annoying question in the world. If I'm still looking, obviously it's not going anywhere, right? Thank you, Captain Obvious.
  • Having well-meaning friends suggest PT jobs that are SO not for me, like retail. Just because I am unemployed doesn't mean that I am cut out for whatever. I couldn't do retail in high school, and that hasn't changed. Sometimes we just hate things, and that is okay.
  • Having same well-meaning friends tell me all about the fun stuff they have planned for the weekend and then ask me what I'm doing. Um, same old nothing, because I'm broke. See #1.

Okay, I feel better.