Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Interesting evening

So, I went out last night to chill with a girlfriend, and at the last minute, I decided to invite OH along. I thought perhaps he could bring some testosterone for her and just chill with me a bit, since we don't get the chance to talk much at work.

What an interesting evening this turned out to be. Suffice to say that my hunches about OH were right on, and that he seemed very friendly. Now, I am a good girl and would never cheat on Sweetie, but it is flattering to know that someone views you that way.

During the night I did text Sweetie to see if he wanted to come over for some late night cuddling, and he said he could not. That sucked a bit. I mean, if my man called specfically requesting some action, I think I would be jumping on that pronto. Sadly, Sweetie does not seem to see intimacy as a priority in our relationship. I'm really hoping something changes along those lines soon, becuase it's making me feel very badly about myself.


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