Monday, February 21, 2005

Still on the lookout

...for a new job, that is. Finding a job is very difficult, especially where I live, so I haven't been lucky thus far. I am temping in the meantime, to pay my bills and keep my cats from starving. It's okay...not great by any means, but it's something.

Not much else is going on. I haven't been writing much here, because there isn't much to update about. I am at a big standstill in just about every area. Job - well, you know....finances - kind of goes with job, future - you get the point.

One thing I am kind of regretting is not applying to school for the fall. I know I couldn't swing it financially this year, but it still bothers me. It's something I know I could do well at, but am held back by the weight of paying off the debt left to me by Ex-Jackass. I don't know if that will ever go away, which is tough to live with. I'm sure someday I'll pay it off, but until then, it hangs over my head and makes future decisions even tougher.

Perhaps next year, though.


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