Saturday, April 16, 2005

Being jobless sucks

I've intentionally not written much lately, because, well, I'm jobless, and that sucks. I think that, for my own mental clarity, I need to enumerate exactly why it sucks. So here goes:

  • No money.
  • Feeling like I'm sponging off the parents, even though they assure me (and I know) that this period of my life, when compared to my whole life, is pretty short.
  • Finding out that my old job, though complete with Assboss, had pretty damn good benefits. Can you believe companies offer one week vacation after a year? That's crazy.
  • Fearing someone will ask where I work or what I do because "hanging out with the cats" isn't an acceptable answer
  • Hating the fact that, at the end of the day, when someone I love asks what I did, there is always a subtext of, "didn't you do anything to try to get a job?"
  • Related to that, whenever I am doing something that doesn't involve job hunting, there is the subtext of "why aren't you job hunting right now?" Apparently, looking for a job must be a 24/7 venture, even though full time employment is not.
  • Realizing that "How's the job hunt going?" is the most annoying question in the world. If I'm still looking, obviously it's not going anywhere, right? Thank you, Captain Obvious.
  • Having well-meaning friends suggest PT jobs that are SO not for me, like retail. Just because I am unemployed doesn't mean that I am cut out for whatever. I couldn't do retail in high school, and that hasn't changed. Sometimes we just hate things, and that is okay.
  • Having same well-meaning friends tell me all about the fun stuff they have planned for the weekend and then ask me what I'm doing. Um, same old nothing, because I'm broke. See #1.

Okay, I feel better.


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