Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I've made a decision

Shocked, aren't you? Coming from indecisive little me, this is a biggie. And yes, as you read on, you'll see it's similar to a previous decision I made. No, I haven't gone insane. This is a decision I made, then was unable to carry out, and am now revamping, with some added twists and insights to round it out a bit more.

Ive been applying to some jobs that I am pretty overqualified for....admin stuff and a really good job this morning to be some VP's personal assistant. Who cares! It pays WELL, and it's in my town. I wrote a good cover letter, so I really hope they call me.

I'm thinking if I can get a job like this one, I will start freelancing again, since the day job won't be so mentally taxing. That way I can build up my writing portfolio this year and maybe next year be in the position to apply for the PhD program like I wanted to this year.

I think I have decided that's my plan. No ifs, ands, buts, or hesitations. I can't stay in this area much longer. I run into people from my past, and it is draining to worry about it all the time and feel like I am on guard. I haven't run into Ex, but I know it's got to happen soon. He is a dick, and I have no desire to ever see his face again. I hate worrying about that. I can't move home for obvious reasons, so that leaves somewhere else. Georgia sounds like a good place to me! Warm, close to the beach, and definitely a slower pace. I think I would do really well someplace totally new. I probably should have moved right after the divorce, but I don't think I could have, mentally. I am much better now :)

It kind of sucks because Classy starts at Cornell this fall, and she'll only be a weekend trip away, so if I move to Georgia, she'll be really far away again, but I think it's the right decision. I have to make a choice sometime, or I am going to sit and rot forever and never do anything with my life.

How's that for some insightful psychoanalytic crap? I blame it on the fact that I was high on caffeine when I thought it up. Still, I'm sticking with it.


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