Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Sweetie just took a shower, and I happened to glance at his cell. It's locked. Apparently, he doesn't trust me not to look at it. How fucked up is this? Honestly, I wasn't going to look, but it makes me wonder if he locked it for a reason. I can't deal with this again. For real.


Blogger Blonde Suga said...

Barbara - I think it only appears that way because this is where I come to vent. I most more when I am irritated than when I'm happy, so by default, those are the snippets you are reading. I don't often post about times (like last night) when he cleans the apartment from top to bottom, does the laundry, dishes, etc., while I chill and talk to my family on the phone for a few hours.

As you know being a fellow Blogger, a life is so much more rounded than the few lines of text we post here and there. In reality, things are good most of the time. But to answer your question, yes, he does make me feel special. Sometimes I hear him talking about me to others, and he is so proud of me and us. Just Saturday night, he ran an errand with his cousin and came back telling me how he'd told him all about our plans to get a house next year and that he'd seen some streets he really liked.

So, yes, we do have our moments. Don't we all? We're still working some issues out, but I don't feel like I am wasting my time, because, when it comes right down to it, I have no doubts that he loves me.

May 23, 2005 at 9:07 AM  

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